ONW 1 in 2000

Our 1 in 2000 video had a lot of issues. Originally we wanted to interview Drew Sappingfield about being an athlete with diabetes. This was not able to happen because we had conflicting schedules and did not have enough time to interview him. We ended up having to interview one of our own group members, Olivia Garza. Olivia is involved in cheer so we had an interesting story to do but we had some misfortunes.

My group filmed about 3 times but we couldn't get the audio for the video. Due to this, we had to voice over the interview answers. I think our group did a good job of supporting one another even though we had issues. I think the videos we made turned out well, despite the auditory mishaps.

One thing I would change about the process of making this video was how we planned it. Having a clearer schedule of interview times and availability would have made it so we could've interviewed Drew. I also think we didn't ask enough questions about how to record audio on the camera. Asking more questions sooner would have saved us from headache later. I like how my group stayed persistent in getting the project done even though things weren't going right for us.


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