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1st Semester Entertainment

My first semester in e-comm was a learning experience and while I learned a lot, I know I have a lot of room to improve. The projects I have completed this semester aren't perfect but with the hands on guidance I have received, they are miles better than what I could've done years prior. I think I got better with every project and I have thoroughly enjoyed the process of creating these first three assignments. Camera Assignment 1      For the first assignment of the semester and my first project as a student in entertainment, my group and I had the option to do a PSA, short film, music video, or commercial. Starting out the year with this creative liberty made my mind race with ideas but for simplicities sake we decided to make a PSA for Diversity Leadership Club. Looking back,  I would've liked to do something a little more ambitious. It only took about a week to complete and while the video wasn't bad it wasn't great either. We made two videos, one before w...

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